Return of the Sandros and Yesterday

Yeah, Dr. Sandros- medicine woman, is heading back to the U-T today.

How I managed to get in almost five hours on my bike yesterday with a full day of work:

Wake up bright eyed and bushy tailed (what the hell does this mean?) at 5.

On bike- 5:30-7:30.

Work- 7:30-12:30

Lunch Ride- 12:30-1:30

Work: 12:30-4:30

On Bike: 4:30-6:30

And this time of year, that still leaves three hours of daylight for playing with kids and mowing the lawn.  Glorious.  Usually I skip the lunch ride if I ride in, but Saul Raisin Bread came by with some good stories like riding on the front for six hours of Milan-San Remo, and you know I can’t pass that up.  Let me tell you, that chamois felt great when I pulled it on for the third time to ride home!

I heart summer.