
State RR short version- epic flailure.  Let ourselves get behind the 8 ball and never got back. 

I won’t get too instrospective, but I’m not sure what’s going on… I won on this course the first 3 X I did it, and now I seem to be just getting worse.  Yes, I have a busy schedule and don’t train like other people, but I haven’t trained consistenly since moving to Utah six years ago, so…?

While we were racing, Kelly took all 3 girls to a zoo and park in Logan and they had a great time. Have to give it  up to her… Pretty sure I couldn’t handle that on my own. And by pretty sure, I mean positive. 

We met up for dinner along with my man Sleevie, and didn’t get home until almost 11:30.  Yeah, that’s a late night for me.  Then, our little Piper had kind of a rough night.  Morgan was first up at 7:00 and so a new day begins… hoping to keep it chill, yo.