Working it.

So things have been trucking along as of late. I am kind of in a lull in my “work” season, so I am trying to be super-involved with the family and build up a little bit of fitness before things get crazy again.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not sitting on my duff (or my bike) all day. There’s always something to be done work-wise.

I think I will be hiring a sub-rep to cover ID, WY, MT soon. I could probably swing all that (and UT, CO), but I don’t think I’d ever be home!

Anyway, it was a pretty great weekend with a Alpine Loop/Squaw Peak sess, Pizza Pie Cafe, big Father’s Day breaky, church, and some family over for Father’s Day dinner.

The Sundance side of the loop and Squaw has become my go-to ride. I’m sure there is somewhere you could get more climbing in a 3 hour ride, but I don’t know where.

I’ll get up on a longer post pretty quick here.