Live from the QC Airport

Yes! Getting ready to hop a jet plane for Chicago and on to the promised land…Utah!!

What a great week I’ve had though.

Won the Bike Sales award!! Super pumped, gotta keep that with our team for next year.

That was the highlight of the dinners though. These super long and loud dinners are hard on me. I love hanging around people, but everyone together, drunk, gets so loud. I start having like sensory deprivation and eventually have to bag it.

Managed to ride everyday (mostly 2-a-days, really!), except yesterday, which was a big step up from previous years. Did get a nice run in yesterday around a huge city park right next to our hotel.

Made some new friends. You know I need all I can get!!

Didn’t really have anything going yesterday, except my 1-on1 meeting, which was an hour of the day, so I did the tourist thing and checked out old Quebec City. So much history! Really beautiful. And I could walk from the hotel, pretty amazing.

I love the culture in the city. So many beautiful people. I haven’t been to France, but the reputation proceeds it and I feel like here you get the culture, but none of the attitude. Everyone has been super friendly. I could live here, if it weren’t for that whole winter (which is like 10 months/year) thing!

I feel overwhelmingly blessed to have had this opportunity. Not going to squander it!!

Can’t wait to get back to Utah and my girls!!


Make it quick…

Gotta make it snappy as it’s past my bedtime.

Speaking of which, got up this morning to ride. It was on the intinerary, but there was no one out there and no demo bikes, so I went for a run instead. Only managed a couple miles, but better than nothing, I suppose. It was beautiful, though I’d have preferred to ride, obviously!

The rest of the day was just meetings. Kinda feel like my head will explode. Just a lot of info. Then, a super long dinner. It was good though!

Nothing too crazy to report. Maybe I’ll have more time and wherewithall to do a proper update tomorrow, but I’m just kinda not ready to think right now.

Birf-a-day with the Quebexicans

Well, first things first. Our little Morgan may have a fractured bone in her foot! Details on Kelly’s site, but what a bummer. Happened the day I left too. Poor kid!

Anyway, today was pretty solid. Kind of a slow start, followed by meetings, and yes, we managed a bike ride. A beautiful day in Quebec. Windy, but close to 70. And the sun was shining! From my brief experiences here, this seems to be a rarity. When the rain stops, it usually snows or so I’m told. Anyway, I somehow ended up in an almost all (save me and one other) Canadian group. I figured they’d know where to go. The pace was a touch hotter than I might have guessed! Good times though. Followed by travel to a new hotel (where I’ll be for the rest of the week) and a banquet style dinner.

The new hotel is beautiful. Older, and set on a lake with forested hills surrounding it. Sounds like last year, but it’s a different place! I guess they have a lot of these resort style places. Awfully nice!

Anyway, I’m facebooking Ms. Turbo at the moment, so I’mma sign-off.


Oh, Canaduhhhh…

Some pics from my recent trip to the Great White North. It’s more green this time of year though. I suck at remembering to take pics, so not too much to show.

The hotel we stayed at.
View from the hotel
Another shot of the lake with a quaint church in the background.
The bus we took to dinners and what-not.
I meant to get a real picture with me and Louis G, but this shot from the Olympics will have to do for now. This guy breathes cycling even today. While we ate dinner one night, he was out motor pacing. Love it!!

Sorry, Kelly…

Usually I try to update when I’m on the road, but this trip has been pretty full up. I do have some pics (mostly scenery…I know, LAME!!) to post, but I have to do it off my phone and I won’t do that until I’m back in AMERICA as the roaming/data charges are completely out-of-hand. C’mon, Canada isn’t really out of the US! We just haven’t invaded yet.

I will say I’m having quite a time. The trip up was a bit of a disaster as my flight from Chicago to Quebec was cancelled. Then, the flight from Chicago to Montreal that we re-routed on was delayed about 3 hours due to weather, so I left home at 4:30am and got here close to midnight. Yeah, I could have gotten pretty much anywhere on earth in that time, but all-in-all, it wasn’t so bad. You gotta roll with the punches, yo and some others had to sleep in an airport and had their luggage lost, so ya know, it could always be worse.

Anyway, despite being on little sleep, I woke up fresh as a proverbial daisy, but I’m dead starved so I’m off to see what’s for breaky. Back home tonight. I don’t leave until 5:00, so hopefully it doesn’t take as long getting back!