Allan Butler Memorial Twilight Criterium

I realize I post something like this every year, so, long term readers, bear with me…

Yes! Tomorrow is the Allan Butler crit in Idaho Falls:

If you were not lucky enough to meet Allan, please click through here to learn more about my friend/teammate:

The picture on the banner is from this event several years back. That is Allan’s mom next to me. The race has become an annual event for my family, we haven’t missed a year yet. The kids are super pumped for all our traditions… the race, hotel, big breakfast, river walk…

We have a swim meet for Haley in the morning, so we’ll miss the kids races. Which are absolutely HUGE, by the way.

Anyway, it’s a great event that really outshines most of our local races. And yet…it’s not looking like attendance is going to be great at this point. It is a little bit of a drive, but it’s worth it.

I am certainly not in a position to give anyone a hard time about missing races, but if you’re able, this is a great one to be a part of.


State Crit Chumps

So, I signed up for the state crit titles on Saturday. Yeah!!

Right now, there’s 11 guys signed up and half of them (yes, 5.5) are from the same team.  I realize it’s a conflict with nationals, so that accounts for like 5 guys (tops). As my kids would say, what the heck-o?

I realize I am probably not the one to point fingers at anyone for not racing, but I am surprised given it’s a state chumpionship, and it’s in SL,UT. There is one big team missing, so I assume that will add like 10 guys day of and hopefully a bunch more show up.

The entry fee seems really high for the pay-out to me, but I can’t think that’s keeping many people from showing up really.

Anyway, I’m super duper pumped. Obviously, right?!? How could you not be?!?

Sugarhouse 2004

I found this pic while searching for photos of myself at Sugarhouse over the weekend. Yeah, I do that.

Anyway, this is probably now one of my favorite race shots ever. Yes, because I’m winning, but also this team was one of my favorites ever and we had a lot of good times. We’ve all kinda gone in different directions now, but I miss those guys. Thanks to Dave from Cycling Utah for sending the pic!

For the record, Kelly was preg-o with Haley when this pic was taken. Crazy that she’s about to turn 8! I don’t feel that old!!

Kind of a cocky pose/salute, huh? I love it.