Busy times…

So I’m hanging out at Big O. I spend a lot of time here. Oil changes, tire rotations and such. I’m actually getting the family car ready teddy as we’re due to go to CA this weekend.

Of course, once they take a look, it’s going to take more than just an oil change! I’m not blaming Big O. I like these guys. But it’s going to cost me a bundle. Which is depressing. On the other hand, I’d rather find out now than in the middle of the desert in July!

Anyway, busy period coming up. It’s pretty much the time of year where I’m busy showing off the new good for next year to bike dealers.

Tomorrow’s Pioneer Day…this is a Utah holiday that celebrates pioneers kicking ass across the America. Seriously when I put my money woes aside and think that they crossed the country with handcarts, driving to CA (even with four kids) sounds pretty easy.

I’m hoping to go for a quick Alpine Loop in the morning and then do some family stuff before Kelly’s race in the evening. Probably some work in there too. 

Then, I have Dealer Camp for a couple days. This is basically a vacation to Park City for bike shop owners and such whereby they justify it by riding bikes all day (research!). Pretty good gig.

Immediately thereafter, we’re on our way to CA. A few days at Lake Arrowhead and a few days in Long Beach. Super psyched!

When vacay ends, I work Tour of Utah for 4 days… Then, I get back on the road showing next years’ apparel and such.  

Interbike will be here before I know it…

One Day Closer

So, in my last post, I neglected to mention the ‘burban breaking down on Sunday night. It did. We were pretty certain, based on hearing about it from various people, that it was just a computer chip. That was’t it and it’s going to cost us almost a grand. I am not one to pour my financial woes unto the world, but I will say “ouch”, and “time for Dad to bring home the proverbial bacon because real bacon is too expensive”.

As of this moment, we’re still planning to go to CA Thursday though. Can’t let money get in the way of a good time, right?

Anyway, I’m in Colorado Springs this morning. Heading back up to Denver/Golden area for a few hours, them back here to see a few more shops and spend the night here again and then up to Boulder on Wed morning. Just the way things worked out.

Managed to get in a run yesterday late afternoon. I thought I’d be sore as I haven’t run in months, but no probs so far. Maybe I’ll try it again tonight.

Alright, better hit the road.

State Crit Chumps

So, I signed up for the state crit titles on Saturday. Yeah!!

Right now, there’s 11 guys signed up and half of them (yes, 5.5) are from the same team.  I realize it’s a conflict with nationals, so that accounts for like 5 guys (tops). As my kids would say, what the heck-o?

I realize I am probably not the one to point fingers at anyone for not racing, but I am surprised given it’s a state chumpionship, and it’s in SL,UT. There is one big team missing, so I assume that will add like 10 guys day of and hopefully a bunch more show up.

The entry fee seems really high for the pay-out to me, but I can’t think that’s keeping many people from showing up really.

Anyway, I’m super duper pumped. Obviously, right?!? How could you not be?!?