Mostly work related

The latest…Kids went back to school Wednesday. Oh yes, my productivity is clearly on a different level with 50% fewer kids in the house! Unfortunately, Haley got sick (yes, as in “sick”) Wednesday night and had to miss the second day of school. What a bust. She was pretty much full gas again by Thursday, so it’s back to it today!

I’ve just been trying to get as many work appointments in as possible. Preseason due dates are coming up, which is a high stress time of year for me. Do we eat next year or not?!? Ha!  

Need to start getting appointments set up for Interbike as well. One thing I don’t want is to be bored in Vegas!! If I’m going to be there (which I am), I have to fill every minute.

Should probably determine where I’m staying at some point too. Last year I waited until the last minute. Circus Circus was fine, honestly.

Going to do a quick trip down to see some accounts in St. George next week. Trying to determine if I can bang it out in one day or need to spend a night. I don’t have that many shops down there, but it would be nice to meet some more.

In other news, I’ve been riding my own bike a bit more this week. Nothing crazy. I see all these guys getting ready for Blotoja on their bikes at 6, 5, even 4am. Nutso! Not for me. An hour or two a day is plenty for this old timer. At least for the moment. I am super stoked for the return of P-town Cross on Wednesday nights though. Nice to have a race in the ‘hood.

Anyway, that’s about the state of things. Living the dream, Provo style.