
It’s a good thing I’m going home tomorrow as I really struggle to remember to do this.

Anyway, big day out on the road today. Some stuff went really well and some other stuff sucked. Ended up making the drive back to Grand Junction. I thought about just powering on home, but I don’t know…it’d be pretty late. Theoretically, I’ll go to Moab in the morning and pop in on a few shops before driving home. Not sure how fruitful that’ll be though as it’s probably a bunch of schools’ spring breaks and Moab is probably a completely scene at the moment. In case you’re not following me, the shops will be too busy to talk to lowly reps such as myself. Maybe I’m wrong though. I figure I should pop my head in anyway as it’s been awhile.

So, yeah, I’m at the Day’s Inn in GJ if anyone wants to party! Nah, it’s okay though. I’ve stayed here before and the breakfast is really good. So I have that to look forward to.

Speaking of food. The Denny’s next door gave me a steak knife with my veggie burger tonight. I wonder if it’s like in their rule book or whatever that burgers must be served with a steak knife. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Alright, I should really go to bed.

Oh, Dang

I nearly forgot about making the bloggings.

So, I don’t know…today was a typical rep day. Went and bought doughnuts and coffee and took them to a meeting. Did not consume either of them! Drove a whole, whole bunch and saw a bunch of cool bike shops and such. Got in a little ride in the evening. Very nice little canyon. Lots of other cyclists on the roads. Lots of cars too, which isn’t as cool, but it was good.

Anyway, I’m wiped out. I’m staying at my partner in CO’s place on a blow up mattress. I don’t tend to sleep well when I’m on the road, for whatever reason. And then, even when I’m tired, I tend to stay up later than normal. It’s weird.

I guess that’s all I have for tonight. Farewell and adieu.

Colo-rad, yo!

Ok, trying to take up the old mantle of posting everyday when I’m on the road. At least when I’m on the road without the fam. Yeah, I drove to Denver today. Ended up being darn close to 12 hours door-to-door, which seems extreme. I did visit a few shops along the way. Oh yeah, and I guess I stopped for lunch. And a ride. So I guess that explains it.

Anyway, nothing too cool to talk about there really. Should be a short trip as a storm is due to hit Thursday, so my thought is too get over the big passes Wednesday afternoon and maybe see some shops in Moab on the way home Thursday.

Then, we leave for a week with the fam on Saturday!

Anyway, today was gorgeous. Honestly, couldn’t ask for a better day to drive. Running about 20 degrees above normal temp wise. Just crazy.

I’m so good at telling people about the weather.

I’m pretty wiped out, but I’m going to do some planking and push-ups tonight. Kelly and I have been doing them in the evening. Those that know me know that I’m pretty ripped by nature, but somehow I’ve gotten even more jacked. In all seriousness, I can see a pretty big difference (even if no one else can) just a few weeks in. Our “routine” only takes like 10 minutes, so that’s a pretty solid ROI, in my book.

I was about to tell you what we do, but I should save it for the video so we can make money off it. I swear I was thinking of a workout video as I wrote that. Sounds a little dirtier, I guess.

On that note, I better get to it.

Sounds even worse by myself.

Who Knows How to Rock a Friday Night?


Yeah, blogging! I had a big work deadline today and Kelly was working (yeah, they are still skiing, which blows my mind!) and so it was a little hectic and it felt like I wasn’t super present for the kids.  So it goes.

I don’t really want to get into the work thing as it’s been on my mind all day. All week. All month, really. So what else?

Aw, man. I don’t know. I’ve been rocking this weekday warrior cycling schedule. Yeah, most people hold out for the weekend, but I’ve been on the opposite program all “winter”.

Oh yeah, I finally got me one of those fancy mountain bicycles. It’s been in my basement for a couple weeks, but I’m fixing to actually build it soon. Pretty stoked on that. Last mountain bike I got was in 1997 and I hear they’ve improved, so that should be good. Last mountain bike race I did was also 1997 (collegiate nationals in Kentucky or somewhere), so maybe I’ll try that again.

Alright, that’s all I’m good for tonight.



Bet you thought that was a one and done, return to blogging form, huh?

Especially as I gave you a few days there. It probably took you a week to figure out that I’m back at it.

Yes, great success!

Anyway, it’s spring here in Utah. After the warmest winter ever, it’s downright balmy up in here. Gotta think we could be in for major fire troubles this summer, but I guess we’ll just enjoy it at the moment.

Kelly is still working at Sundance. We’ll see if they can make it three more weeks. It was probably close to 70 at the resort today, so conditions are probably sub-optimal. It’s Utah though. We could still get hammered in April! Or May.

There’s a big article going around saying CA has one year of water left. We’re probably not that bad off, and in reality, I’m guessing they aren’t either, but it’s definitely a little scary. Gotta think there should be a way to get all the snow run-off from back east out west. If we can pipeline oil, why not water? It’s not like they’re going to want all the snowmelt flooding everything. Or maybe they do. I’m not a scientist. Clearly.

Anyway, that’s all for tonight. Peace out, homies.

Remember me

Hey, remember that time when I got stuck in Cedar City for four months?

Wow, am I glad that’s over!

No, like everyone on Earth, I “adapted” and fit all my thoughts, hopes, dreams, and especially selfies into short enough soundbites for twitter/instagram/facebook. Or twinstamyface, as I like to call. No MySpaces were actually harmed, or used, however.

Anyway, my best friend in all of Esopus, New York texted to ask if the blog was dead. Of course, this is just the sort of motivation it takes for me to get off my tuchus and come up with this mind altering, if not Earth shattering, post.

I feel like, maybe, trying to write about the last 4 months would be kinda longish, so instead I guess I’ll call this good.

Wait, what? Is that too short?

Okay, something that happened today…I found out that I won’t be able to race the Tushar Crusher yet again this year. I missed it last year for a sales meeting and yes, missing it again this year for a sales meeting. Two different companies. What are the odds? Anyway, I was kinda counting on that to keep me motivated as it’s really, really hard and at least if you’re fit, you’re suffering for less time. So now, I have to dig into my european carry-all of motivation and wrap my head around something else to live train for.

Lots of other stuff happened today too. Imagine that. Sick kid, work stuff, driving. And outside of my little bubble, even more stuff happened. Fascinating world we live in.

Anyway, if anyone reads this, pinky swear, I’m going to be better about updating. But, for now, I must sign off. Farewell and adieu.


Sorry to my friends who heard all this already. Probably more than once. The deal is my car broke down a few hours from home tonight, so I’m stuck in a crappy little motel. I am happy that I had AAA to get me to a town and am able to put myself into a motel (be it EVER so humble).

As I like to say, it could always be worse.

Of course, it could be better too.

Kelly’s (the wife for those that REALLY haven’t been paying attention) due to begin working tomorrow morning, so that cause a bit of panic as I needed to be home to watch the kids. Luckily, her brother has come to the rescue and will be picking up the little ones and the older girls will go to school as per.

I actually ate a sandwich from a gas station for dinner. Cue Vacation quote.

I’m hoping it’ll be minor and I’ll be on the road quickly in the morning.

Wish me luck!

Hump Wednesday

The astute reader will recall that I used to always update daily while traveling, I guess I’m bringing that back. It’s tough as usually when I’m on the road, it’s pretty much full gas all the time. And when it’s downtime, I don’t want to use my brain. Yeah, writing about the weather or bikes or whatever is not that hard, but when you’re going full blast you just kind of want to veg when you have the chance, right?

Maybe it’s just me.

Anywho, it’s still raining. Yeah, man. What a ripoff. Luckily, I was inside all day. I forget how horrible that is this time of year. I am a person who needs to see the sun! Or at least daylight.

So I’m not out here surfing or anything. That would be sweet though.

The hotel I’m in here is pretty boss. I actually ran on the treadmill for half an hour today. That’s something, right. And yes, Kelly, I was running shirtless and took some time to check myself out at the mirror, like a regular gym rat.

You know what else? I’ve eaten at Subway two nights in a row. It’s pretty much the only thing in walking distance that’s cheap.

Well, wordpress is being weird and I can’t see what I’m typing now., so I guess I’m logging off. Hopefully this isn semi-legible.


I don’t even know where I left off.

Spent last week Thanksgivinging with the family in Sedona. It was awesome as always. I did the math and I’ve been at my mom’s 36 of my 37 Thanksgivings. Pretty good record. We missed one when Rory was due.

Speaking of which we celebrated her 3rd birthday yesterday.

Today I flew to Orange County for Felt. It’s been raining all day. Not terribly problematic as I’ve been inside all day. Not what you expect though. Left home at 5:45 and had a stop in Vegas, so two 1-1.5 hour flights instead of 1. The way home I have a real lay-over though, so I won’t get home until midnight-ish. That’s not until Thursday by the by, so another night. I’m in a pretty suite hotel though. Suite, get it? Ha! It’s nice though.

I need to go to bed up in here. I maybe slept 2 hours last night and another half hour on the plane, so I’m getting loopy.

Not sure…

…if I can stick with this either, but it’s a start. Kinda works with my no photo rule. What do you think?

Ha! Remember when blogs got comments! I mean once in awhile someone will throw you a bone with a pity comment, but it’s just not like the golden days of 2005, now is it? Maybe I need to be more provocative to stir up more debate.

I probably definitely really need to update the other little pages attached to it too. Not even sure what they really say anymore.

Anyway, things here are still rocking. I keep waiting for winter to hit in earnest, but it’s just not time yet! We had a little snow in the mountains on Sunday, but today was like 65 and sunny. Which is a-ok with me too. Must be challenging for the resorts though…blow snow all night and watch it all melt during the day.

I always default to weather when I don’t know where to go with a post.

Kinda lost it and did zero exercise for a week and a half or so, but I’ve been back after it this week. I felt super fat, so I’ve done a few runs, which I think I’m enjoying more than ever.  Bit of riding, of course.

Halloween was sweet. We have a solid routine in place where I take the girls around and Kelly stays home and passes out candy. As an added bonus, her brother usually comes over and hangs out with her. We got some good mileage in. Enough that the younger two not only got into the stroller, but refused to get out of the stroller when we got to houses, like “eh, I’ve got enough candy now”.

Next up we have a few trips planned. Kelly and I will fly to Arizona for a friends’ wedding. This is big time stuff for us as she’s never been more than a night away from the kids and we basically never fly anywhere together. A week and a half later, we’re driving back to AZ for our annual visit to my mom’s. Then, we’ll be only a few short days from ski season and Kelly’s work starting. Should be exciting times!

Now if I flake on posting for a month, at least you’ll know what we did!