Hump Day

Yep, Big Wednesday up in here.

As planned, spent the morning in Boulder. As usual this made me feel fat. Had some good visits though. After a tasty burrito, I bid my Colorado cohort good-bye and headed up into the mountains. Hit some serious snow on Loveland pass, so I was quite pleased when it was (relatively) warm and sunny upon my arrival in Glenwood Springs. Visited another shop and then got out for a nice little ride.

Felt so good. Hadn’t ridden in a week! Seems to be my pattern these days. Do a couple good weeks and get some form starting to brew, then take a week off! 

Anyway, I found a cheap hotel and set up camp for the night. 

Currently watching Tour of CA on TV. Need to get some rest as I have another big day tomorrow up in Aspen. Wish me luck!

Very wow.

Me again! I am “on the road again”, and even though I missed a couple trips in there, I’m eager to get back on blogging form. Putting it nicely, writing improves when you write. Or to put it less nicely, my writing gets worse when I never write or only write enough for Facebook. So here I am. Plus, I had a day. And what a day I had.

So, I got on the road around 8:15 this morning. My mom and her husband were in town over the weekend, so they walked the kids to school at the same time before they headed back to Sedona. Anyway, I had to go to Uhaul to pick up a cargo van as I’m doing a bike demo this trip and didn’t have room for all the bikes in my little wagon. That went pretty smoothly. 

I was actually going to leave earlier, but I had to go to the UPS hub (which doesn’t open until 9:00) to pick up the bikes for the demo as the rep who had them shipped them a day late and sent everything out of whack. I got the bikes okay, and everything was on schedule. And it was a tight schedule. I had a meeting scheduled for 3:45 in Cheyenne and Google Maps put it at 7 hours. Meaning if I had NO stops, I needed to make up 15 minutes. 

I got to Evanston and had made up around 5 minutes. If you don’t know Evanston, it’s on the Utah-Wyoming border, so it’s mostly where Utahans go to get their booze, porn and fireworks. Anyway, as I pulled into Evanston, I saw a sign saying “I-80 Closed- Winter Weather” or some such. I didn’t want to believe it, so I went another mile down the road where the police turned me around. I should add that although we had kind of a stormy day in Utah yesterday, it was sunny the entire drive to that point. 

So, I wasn’t making the meeting. These things happen. Usually to other people, but I guess it was my turn.

Anyway, in the interest of this post not going on forever, I got to hang out in Evanston for a couple hours. Ate lunch, went for a run on the old High Uintas Stage Race criterium course, hung out with truckers. Finally, they opened the road…Unfortunately, the sudden influx of a million or so trucks combined with narrowing the 3 lane highway to 1 lane meant I spent another hour or so inching my way up a pass a little ways out of Evanston.

And now I was way off schedule. The rest of the drive is pretty much a haze. I only stopped once between Evanston and Denver and that was only to get gas and pee. There was a ton of snow as I got further into Wyoming. It did snow on me quite a bit, but it was mostly just quick squalls, but you could see they’d gotten quite a bit the last day or so. Wasn’t what I expected in May. Got in around 9:45 tonight, which is really long for that drive, but I’m here in one piece and I guess that’s what counts.

Really excited to get back in the van tomorrow!!

Vegas Day 1

So, here I am in the Vegas.

Walked the girls to school this morning.  Kelly came too, so we had the whole crew which was nice. I pretty much hit out as soon as we got back.

It’s a 6 hour drive. Nothing too exciting along the drive, really. Luckily I’m really good at cruise controlling.

I got here and it was time to ride! Yes, love the “rolling meeting”. Can’t say no. Anyway, as usually happens when you get a bunch of dudes together, we went stoopid hard and the group shattered. I’m a hurting unit now.

Went for a quick dip in the pool and then had a huge dinner.

Yes, working hard! Thanks for asking.

Tomorrow will be in meetings most of the day, pinky swear. I even have to give a little presentation. I think I’m up to the challenge though. 

Man, just reading this, I feel guilty. 

Quick Trip to St. George

Busted out a quick trip to St. George yesterday, the first time I’ve done the complete trip in one day. It was actually really easy.  8 hours driving, 7 shops visited, one bike ride. We had a nice storm system blow through, so it wasn’t even hot down there.

Nothing too crazy to report though. A little weird as I’ve pretty well neglected that area, so it reminded me of when I first started going to Colorado. A lot of introductions and awkwardness. I’m really good at awkwardness. Hopefully I’ll be on it going forward though as I have some business down there now.

Oh, here’s one story. I see this dude outside of a shop and he’s loaded down for a big bike tour. He looks European, judging by his Isostar bottles (you don’t see that stuff in the states, much) and such. Anyway, I ask him how it’s going and he replies:

“(thick accent)Not interested”.

Me: “Umm, okay, cool, well, have a good ride”

Euro: “Vhat are you selling cocaine or something?”

Me: “Right, then, have a good ride.”

It was weird enough. Anyway, he had all the usual supplies, plus two 2 liters of Coke wrapped to his handlebars. I can’t imagine how much it would suck to descend with panniers and such, much less a bunch of liquid on your bars. I saw him later in the day when I went on my ride and he was parked sitting on a sidewalk in the shade.

I was afraid to ask how it was going.

Anyway, left at 5:45 and got home in time to see the kids to bed. White line fever…

Busy times…

So I’m hanging out at Big O. I spend a lot of time here. Oil changes, tire rotations and such. I’m actually getting the family car ready teddy as we’re due to go to CA this weekend.

Of course, once they take a look, it’s going to take more than just an oil change! I’m not blaming Big O. I like these guys. But it’s going to cost me a bundle. Which is depressing. On the other hand, I’d rather find out now than in the middle of the desert in July!

Anyway, busy period coming up. It’s pretty much the time of year where I’m busy showing off the new good for next year to bike dealers.

Tomorrow’s Pioneer Day…this is a Utah holiday that celebrates pioneers kicking ass across the America. Seriously when I put my money woes aside and think that they crossed the country with handcarts, driving to CA (even with four kids) sounds pretty easy.

I’m hoping to go for a quick Alpine Loop in the morning and then do some family stuff before Kelly’s race in the evening. Probably some work in there too. 

Then, I have Dealer Camp for a couple days. This is basically a vacation to Park City for bike shop owners and such whereby they justify it by riding bikes all day (research!). Pretty good gig.

Immediately thereafter, we’re on our way to CA. A few days at Lake Arrowhead and a few days in Long Beach. Super psyched!

When vacay ends, I work Tour of Utah for 4 days… Then, I get back on the road showing next years’ apparel and such.  

Interbike will be here before I know it…

Not my best day out

There’s times where this video is too accurate to be funny. Today was like that. Not a bad day, per say, just a lot of driving for little action. Feeling the pressure with deadlines no longer looming, but passing!

All the same, I love what I do.

I did get out for a quick ride this evening, which was nice. FB homies forgive me for telling the same story, but I had lunch in Boulder at 65 degrees and sunny. Saw a few shops, and got in the car with the plan to ride when I got to Colorado Springs. It got colder and colder on the drive, until I hit 35 and snowing. My motivation to ride was gone. Then, the sun came back out and it got back up close to 50, so I had to ride anyway. No excuses.

Saw some deer that must’ve been part honey badger. One was totally in my lane and I had to go into the wrong lane to get around it. She just looked at me like “Oh, sorry, am I in YOUR way? I’m sure you have something REALLY important to do on that bike of yours”. Even the bucks didn’t care that I was right next to them.

Really ready to go home tomorrow. It hasn’t been that long a trip, but it feels long for whatever reason. Fingers crossed for the weather to hold…

Long Day

As mentioned, I had an event tonight which meant my day stretched from 8:30-ish to 9:30-ish…it wasn’t all working, of course. Lots of driving, some mexican food, and (as my facebook pals already know) I got a short, but sweet ride in around Garden of the Gods. Plus, I really like my job. But, still it’s a long day.

Tomorrow will be more of the same, but the weather’s due to take a left, so that could make things exciting. I’m in Colorado Springs again tonight. As long as the weather is not horribly bad, I’ll come back tomorrow night. I’ll be spending the day in Denver and Boulder, so if it sucks bad, I’ll stay up there. An interview on Friday morning and I’m on my way home. Simple enough.

Nothing else really to report today.

Father of the year?

Not this guy.

Piper and Morgan were playing on the swivel chair last night. Piper flew off and was crying. After a couple minutes, she was fine and wanted to play again, so I let her. I put her to bed (Kelly was at yoga) and everything was fine. I had to leave this morning, and Kelly called me a ways out and asked what happened to Piper. I guess she had blood all over her hair and a big cut on the back of her head.

I had no idea! I feel so guilty. They closed it with FIVE STAPLES. Pics on Kelly’s blog. Yeah, how didi I miss that? I really don’t know.

Long day. I left my computer at home and was an hour on the road when Kelly discovered it and let me know. So yeah, later start than usual! Plus some wasted gas. Can’t believe I’ve done that twice now…

Otherwise, I just drove all day and felt guilty about neglecting my beautiful Piper girl. Saw a couple shops. The drive was long, but easy enough. I did a quick ride around Grand Junction. Usually being tardy already I would’ve plowed on through, but I just really needed to get out of the car and out of my head. It worked, mostly.

I have an event tomorrow night. Will see shops all day. The weather is supposed to turn on Thursday here. 

I’m pretty cracked, so that’s it for tonight.


Good week

We had a super nice last week. Started out in the low 50’s and topped out in the low 70’s. Felt sooo good. I have an order deadline TODAY, so it was a bit hectic, but I found time to get out and ride a couple hours everyday, save yesterday. Yeah, I definitely needed a “day of rest”.

None of the rides were terribly taxing, but going from typically only a couple rides a week, I could definitely feel the cumulative fatigue by the end of the week. Could have been the antibiotics too, but I was off them at the end of the week, so I don’t think so.

Last night, our little Rory barely slept. I’m sure Kelly will be a zombie today as she was up with her for a long time. Around 4:30, Rory finally fell asleep, but then I started thinking of all the stuff I have to do and couldn’t sleep, so an hour or so later, I got up and entered a couple orders and now, here I am.

I was definitely a bit off the back on blogging, so I guess it worked out. Might trade a couple hours of sleep for this post in retrospect.

Nothing too crazy for St. Paddy’s yesterday. Airport run to pick up Kelly’s bro and an extended family dinner. Of course, we churched it up firsties.

Oh, on that note, I am failing miserably at my goal of reading the Book of Mormon in March. I WILL get it done before our sealing, but this month is looking out of reach.

I am leaving for Colorado again tomorrow, so expect more updates. Road warrior!!


New Look…

I found this pic the other day, loved it and figured I could use it.

Here’s the story from that night

Ahhh, memories.

Anyway, as you may have guessed what with me posting and everything, I made it home from Colorado safe and sound. I actually hit very little snow along the way so it was no worries. Great to get home though!

I think my main superpower is the ability to drive long distances alone. The only problem is keeping up with the days’ work while in route, but Friday’s are typically a bit light, so yesterday was just fine.

I guess today it’s supposed to start dumping. It already is in the SLC (~40 miles north), so now I’m just waiting. It certainly looks ominous out there.

Hoping to pop off a good run this afternoon. I did not do much all week, so I could certainly use it.

In other news, the Belgian season starts this weekend with omloop het nieuwsblad and kuurne brussel kuurne! Such an exciting time. Training camps and exotic early season racing is over. Now is the time for pain and suffering. Love.

Before signing off, I would be remiss not to send a big thanks to my pal the J-rad for his hospitality this week. I hope you enjoy your morning coffee along with this post, hombre!